to purchase - to buy something (verb), a consumer - someone who buys or uses goods or services (noun), to produce - to create or bring something into existence (verb), to import - to bring products in from another country to sell or use; opposite of 'export' (verb), to investigate - to carefully examine something, especially to discover the truth about it (verb), overseas - in, from, or to other countries (adverb), a greenhouse - a building used to grow plants that need constant warmth and protection (noun), multinational - onvolving several different countries, or (of a business) producing and selling goods in several different countries (adjective), goods - items for sale (noun), production costs - the money spend to make something (noun), a profit - money that is earned in trade or business after paying the costs of producing and selling goods and services (noun), domestic products - goods that are produced in one's own country (noun), labour costs - money a company spends on employees' wages, benefits and taxes (noun), to get a discount - to receive a reduction in price (verb + noun),

LS Unlock 4 (2nd ed) - Unit 1 Listening 1 & 2 (Vocab)


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