Translate the sentence: KAKO SI?, Translate the sentence: DUGO SE NISMO VIDJELI., Translate: ŠTO IMA (NOVO)?, Translate: ŠTO IMAŠ NA UMU?, Translate: MORA DA SE ŠALIŠ. , Translate: NIKAD ČUO. , Translate: to challenge oneself physically, emotionally and intellectually., Use the phrase in a sentence: to offer a wide range of ...., What is the name of the international summer camp you read about?, Who are counsellors?, What are the counsellors like?, Name at least 4 activities children can do in a summer camp., How do you say SPOSOBAN i BRIŽAN?, What does Ella like about summer camps?, What skills has Natasha learned?, Why does Hans like summer camps and what is his opinion about counsellors?, What activity has Rashid taken up?, What kind of classes does Rashid attend?, Generally speaking, what skills or qualities can you improve attending a summer camp?, To take on responsibility means....., To be on your own means..., HIKING means..., TO TAKE UP A SPORT means..., TO ATTEND A SCHOOL, CLASSES, A CAMP...means, Use it in a sentence: TO BE JUDGED or CRITICISED and translate it..


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