My name's Frances Mullan. I'm the Head of Marketing. I ____ a small team of two marketing managers and a video producer. Our work ____ a variety of marketing strategies to ____ the business, including events, social media, and printed advertising. I'm ____ attracting new customers, ____ existing customers, and ____ the business as innovative and creative. I ____ directly to the Head of Strategy and Development. My name's Donovan Parsons. I'm a camera operator and I take ____ of the camera equipment. I'm responsible ____ interpreting what the director wants to happen and putting it on screen. I coordinate closely ____ other technical departments, such as lighting and sound. My duties also include supervising the work of the camera assistant. We're in a live television environment, so we have to make sure we can do the job under pressure. I report ____ the program director. Right now we are involved in filming a new documentary and I am ____ charge ____ a team of 12 camera operators.

Describing work - verbs and prepositions


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