1) Gautam shah founded ......... organization to connect people with wildlife around the world   a) National geographic b) Global health c) internet of elephant 2) Using ........ and data visualization effects allow people to interact with animal virtually a) bluetooth b) camera c) agumanted reality 3) if you make a scientfic guess about how things happen, this is .......   a) test a hypothesis b) constract a hypothesis c) identify 4) during ...... make sure that you don't conduct any test which is not safe .  a) identify b) constract a hypothesis c) test a hypothesis 5) .......... is an attempt to answer your question with an explanation that can be tested .  a) identify b) constract a hypothesis c) test a hypothesis 6) A ...... is the space left around the edge of your poster. a) limit b) margin c) direction 7) if you include content........to the edge it will appear cramped of poster   a) too far b) too close  c) constant 8) through ..... you can change the design add photos and links your report to the website   a) word b) excel c) power point 9) choosing ...... font when presenting a poster, you will have to limit the amount of information   a) too small b) too big c) simple 10) choosing ...... font when presenting a poster, your audience will have to strain to read the information a) Too big b) Too small c) simple

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