1) What’s the best thing you’ve ever done? 2) Share your favorite picture on your phone right now and explain why it is. 3) If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your smartphone, which ones would you keep? 4) What is your most used emoji? 5) If you were famous, what would you be famous for? 6) You have to sing karaoke, what song do you pick? 7) What three things can't you live without? 8) Are you an early bird or a night owl? 9) What's the best book you’ve ever read about? 10) If you could learn one new skill, what would it be? 11) What is your proudest accomplishment? 12) If you had a time machine, would you travel to the past or the future? 13) What would you change about yourself if you could? 14) What’s the worst gift you have ever been given? 15) What would you like to achieve this year? 16) What’s the last thing that made you laugh out loud? 17) What’s your earliest memory? 18) If you were a superhero, what superpowers would you like to have? 19) Are you working on any project right now? What is it?

Tell something about yourself


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