Today Jotaro is excited ____ his trip from Tokyo to Osaka. He wakes up early in the morning, packs his bags, and goes to the train ____. He goes to the ____ office to buy a ticket for the shinkansen, a super-fast train that takes him to Osaka in just a few hours. After that, Jotaro goes to the platform and waits ____ the train. When it finally arrives, he gets ____ the train and finds his seat. He enjoys the view from the window as the train goes through the countryside. After a few hours, the train ____ at Osaka, and Jotaro gets ____. He needs to get to his hotel, so he gets ____ a taxi and drives through the busy streets of Osaka. He is amazed by the tall buildings and bright lights of the city. Finally, the taxi arrives at his hotel, and Jotaro gets ____ of it. He goes ____ the stairs and checks in. The hotel is located in the center of the city, so he decides to go on ____ to explore the area. Then, he decides to go ____ tram to visit a nearby temple. He ____ a tram at the bus stop and enjoys the ride through the streets of Osaka. After visiting the temple, Jotaro realizes that he has ____ the last tram back to his hotel. He doesn't panic and decides to go back ____ foot. He even rides a ____ that he rents for a short time to get around faster. At one point, Jotaro loses his ____ and has to ask for directions. He approaches a friendly local and asks how to get back to his hotel. The next day, Jotaro decides to go to another city called Kyoto. He goes to the bus station, but, unfortunately, he ____ the bus because he isn't paying attention to the time. He decides to ____ a train instead and soon arrives ____ the ancient city in just a short time. He is amazed by the historic temples and beautiful gardens. After a wonderful day of sightseeing, Jotaro decides to go back to Osaka. His trip between Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto is an unforgettable ____ that broadens his horizons and leaves him with lasting memories of his travels in Japan.

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