1) Do we need ........... milk? a) some b) any c) a d) many 2) I bought ........... bread. a) a little b) some c) a d) any 3) She hasn't got ............ oranges. a) an b) the c) any d) some 4) What's in ........... sandwich? a) many b) some c) the d) a few 5) I usually eat ........... pot of yoghurt for breakfast. a) an b) any c) some d) a 6) Add ........... cheese to the salad. a) a little b) a c) a few d) any 7) He needs ........... tomatoes for his sandwich. a) any b) a c) a few d) a little 8) Do you like .......... apple pie? a) some b) an c) a d) any 9) .................... bottles of mineral water have we got? a) How much b) How any c) How many d) How some 10) I've got .......... banana for my breakfast. a) some b) an c) any d) a 11) .................... salt do we need? a) How any b) How much c) How many d) How some 12) Put ........... water into the bowl. a) a b) an c) the d) any 13) We need only ................... butter. a) a little b) a few c) any d) many 14) I haven't got ........ vegetables in my sandwich. a) some b) any c) a little d) a 15) I can bring ............. drinks to the party. a) any b) a c) some d) much 16) Has Brian got ............... chocolate bars? a) any b) some c) a d) much 17) It doesn't need ................ oil. a) some b) any c) an d) many 18) Oscar has got ............... fruit in his bag. a) any b) a c) many d) some 19) They bought ................... pots of yoghurt. a) much b) many c) any d) a little 20) We haven't got .................... apples. a) some b) an c) any d) much

Countable and uncountable nous / articles / some and any / a few/ a little/ how many / how much


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