1. Sally’s got a ____ living room. It’s got room for a lot of furniture.2. The Porter family just ____ in their new house in the suburbs. 3. I’m coming to town on Saturday. Can you ____ me up at your place? 4. Most students stay in rooms on ____ when they go to university. 5. This flat is a ____ residence. I’m moving out in a month. 6. The new sofa makes your house look cosy and ____. 7. Mark’s house caught fire and he lost all his ____.  8. You might ____ some problems at first but you’ll soon get over them. 9. My friend was in the neighbourhood so she ____ by. 10. I would like to live in a terraced-house in the ____ of London. 11. I want to rent a ____ flat because I don’t have money for furniture. 12. My grandparents live in an ____ village far away from everything. 13. While I was camping I had no ____ to the Internet so I could not keep in touch with friends. 14. Our new flat is little bit ____ so we need to use space wisely. 15. The hotel is in a great ____ as it is very close to the city centre.


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