Present Simple: be + past participle: Coffee is grown in Brazil., Houses are not built well in some places., Are uniforms usually worn by highschool students?, We eat fish every Friday., Past Simple: was/were + past participle: Dinner was eaten by 7pm., Were the diamonds stolen from the house?, The car wasn't driven yesterday., We ate fish last week, Present Continuous: is/am/are + being + past participle: The car is being repaired at the mechanics this week., Tests are not being taken at the moment. , Is our house being painted today?, We're eating fish for dinner., Past Continuous: was/were + being + past participle.: Was dinner being prepared when I came home?, The shop was being renovated when the earthquake hit., Where were free meals being given out yesterday?, They were preparing dinner when I came in., Present Perfect: has/have + been + past participle: The car has been repaired., The documents haven't been signed., Has the package been delivered?, The volcano has affected 5 countries so far., Future with "Will": will + be + past participle: The stadium will be built in 2 years., The proposal won't be accepted like that., Will the project be completed on time?, They will give me the house when they die.,

EF 4th Int 6A Passive Voice Tenses



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