What’s your name? How do you spell your surname?, Where are you from?, Did you learn English at school? For how many years?, What do you do now? Do you work or are you a student?, What do you do in your free time?, Do you like football? What sports do you like?, What do you do every day? What time do you get up/start work?, What subjects did you study at school? What exams did you take?, Tell me something you can do in English. And what can’t you do verywell in English?, How often do you use English, at home or at work?, What are you going to do at the weekend?, Have you been to an English-speaking country (before)?, Let’s talk about your friends. How often do you normally see them?, Tell me about something you did with your friends recently., What do you think your friends are doing now?, Tell me about your best friend. What is he or she like?, Let’s talk about your house or home. How would you describe it?, How about your country/town. How is it different now from 20 years ago?, What kinds of things do people in your country/town do in their free time?, How do you think your country/town will change in the next 20 years, What advice would you give to someone visiting your country/town?, Tell me about the main news stories in your country at the moment..

Getting to know you questions (A1-B1)


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