Rounding - This means making a number simpler but keeping its value close to what it was, Place Value - The value of number based on its place in the given number., Decimal - Separates the whole number from the fractional part, Tenths Place - The tenths place is always the first number to the right of the decimal point. It equals 1/10 equal parts of a whole., Hundredths Place - The number two spaces right of the decimal. It equals 1/100 equal parts of a whole., Thousandths Place - Any number three digits after the decimal. It equals 1/1000 equal parts of a whole., Greater Than Symbol - Symbol used in an inequality to compare two numbers, and represent one bigger than the other., Less Than Symbol - This symbol is used in an inequality to compare two numbers, and express one number being smaller than the other., Equal Symbol - This symbol represents equality between the numbers,


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