Can you play a musical instrument? - Can you read music?, Do you like to dance? - Do you like singing karaoke?, What kind of music do you like? - What kind of music do your parents listen to?, What kind of music do you listen to to cheer you up? - What kinds of music do you dislike?, What was your favorite music five years ago? 10 years ago? How did your musical tastes change? - Can you concentrate on other things when you are listening to music?, When was the last time you went to a concert? - When was the last time you went dancing?, Do you prefer listening to songs in your own language or in another language? Why? - Do you think that animals can enjoy music? How do you know?, Do you think music can heal sick people? - Why is music so important to people and culture?, Who is your favorite singer? - Who is the most famous musician from your country?,

Speaking Group - Music- 8/08



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