W I asked for the Pope's blessing for his invasion because..., he was punishing a perjurer (Harold) and wanted to carry out reform in the Church, WI had problems with the Pope because.., he wouldn't allow anyone to interfere with his royal power, not even the Pope, Lanfranc as Archbishop of Canterbury...., replaced incompetent abbots/bishopts, reformed monasteries, enforced celibacy, built schools etc, Anselm as Archbishop of Canterbury...., insisted WII should return the money he'd dishonestly taken & refused the pallium, The Investiture contest was the dispute about, the ability to install high church officials through investiture, The Benefit of Clergy was the privilege of..., trying in the Church's own law-courts all the cases relating to wills/marriages, Church property &clerics, The Constitutions of Claredom was sought..., to restric the Benefit of Clergy, Henry III's reign can be described in ..., 3 periods, first bc he was too young to rule; then bc he decided to take the government; then bc of Parliament, The Provisions of Oxford was the first..., document written in English. With this a council of Barons was to control the king's government -> civil war , Edward I, the law giver, was...., truly English. He spoke French but was born and raised in England., As a statesman, Edward I broadened the Curia Regis by, dividing the judges into Court of King's Bench, of Exchequer and of Common pleas, The assembly where Edward summoned earls, barons, abbots, bishops to ask for support, was called the Model Parliament,


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