1) The human circulatory system circulates: a) blood b) nerve cells c) undigested food 2) The liquid part of blood is: a) plasma b) only water c) hemoglobin 3) The blood cells that carry oxygen and carbon dioxide are: a) white b) red c) colourless 4) Clotting is the function of: a) white blood cells b) platelets c) red blood cells 5) A person with a low white blood cell count would have difficulty: a) fighting disease b) breathing c) moving 6) The blood vessel with the thinnest wall is the: a) vein b) capillary c) artery 7) The blood vessel with valves to allow one-way blood flow is the: a) capillary b) artery c) vein 8) Arteries carry blood: a) away from the heart b) to the heart c) in any direction 9) How many atria are in the human heart? a) none b) one c) two 10) The heart chamber with the thickest muscular wall is the: a) left ventricle b) right ventricle c) aorta 11) What is the name of the blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the lungs? a) aorta b) pulmonary artery c) renal artery 12) What is the name of the blood vessel that transports blood from the left ventricle to the rest of the body? a) aorta b) pulmonary artery c) hepatic artery 13) The red pigment that carries oxygen or carbon dioxide in red blood cells is: a) hemoglobin b) valve c) systole 14) When a person has a heart attack, what artery is blocked? a) pulmonary b) renal c) coronary 15) Blood type is determined by________________ in the red blood cell. a) antibodies b) Rh factor c) antigen



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