My friend is one of the most ____ people I know. Whenever I need help, she is always there for me. She is also very ____ and doesn't get upset easily. She is ____ and gives great advice when I need it. One of her best qualities is that she is very ____. She can talk to anyone and make them feel comfortable. She is always making new friends and introducing them to me. She is also very ____ and has many hobbies. She is a great singer and plays the guitar very well. What I appreciate most about my friend is that she is ____. She keeps my secrets and is always there to listen when I need to vent. She is also very ____ and remembers important dates like my birthday and our friendship anniversary. However, sometimes she can be a bit ____. She talks too much and interrupts me when I'm speaking. She also gets ____ easily and worries about things that are out of her control. But overall, she is a wonderful person and I am lucky to have her as my friend. I try to be ____ to her feelings and support her whenever she needs it. We have been ____ a lot together and our friendship has only grown stronger over time. I hope we will remain friends for a long time to come.

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