APARTMENT - a set of rooms for living in, especially on one floor of a building, BED AND BREAKFAST - a room to sleep in for the night and a morning meal, or a private house or small hotel offering this, CAMPSITE - a place used for camping, especially one equipped for holidaymakers; a place where people stay in tents, CARAVAN - a wheeled vehicle for living or travelling in, especially for holidays, that contains beds and cooking equipment and can be pulled by a car, CHALET - a small wooden house found in mountain areas, especially one used by people on holiday, FIVE - STAR HOTEL - a luxurious building where you pay to have a room to sleep in, and where you can sometimes eat meals, SELF - CATERING APARTMENT - a flat having cooking facilities available so that you can cook meals for yourself rather than having them provided for you, VILLA - a house, usually in the countryside or near the sea, especially in southern Europe, and often one that people can rent for a holiday, YOUTH HOSTEL - a place where people, especially young people, can stay cheaply for short periods when they are travelling,



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