suspicious - Always thinking that people are going to do bad things, outgoing - Friendly and socially confident, adventurous - Wanting to try new things even if they are a bit dangerous, trusting - Always believing that other people are honest, careless - Not giving enough attention to things in order to avoid harm or damage, cautious - Being very careful and not taking risks, reserved - Not showing opinions or emotions, open - Not hiding opinions or emotions. Honest and easy to speak with, extrovert - Often loud and the centre of attention, confident - Trusting your own ability and not worrying about what other people think, nervous - Anxious and a little frightened, neurotic - Over-anxious about everything, organised - Planning well and knowing where everything is, conscientious - Wishing to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly., agreeable - Pleasant or nice to other ppl, cheerful - happy and positive, dishonest - can deceive easily, can tell a lie, disorganised - messy and always forgets important things, efficient - works quickly and effectively in an organized way, foolish - unwise and stupid, intellectual - Well-educated and intelligent, thoughtless - doesn't care how actions or words may upset other people, respectable - considered to be socially acceptable because of your good character, appearance, or behaviour, pessimistic - thinking that bad things are more likely to happen or emphasizing the bad part of a situation, decent - socially acceptable with high moral values, thoughtful / caring - kind and always think about how you can help other people,

Roadmap B2 1C Adjectives of character


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