Australia is a ____ and continent at the same time. It is far ____ from Europe. It is called the Land Down Under because it is on the Southern ____, under the Equator. In Australia people go to the beach for Christmas because when we have winter, they have ____. Aborigines are ____ people of Australia. They have a special ____ for hunting called boomerang. It is special because it comes back when you ____ it. Some children don't go to school because school is too ____ away. They listen to their teachers on the ____ or on the radio. They send their work by post or e-____. Their ____ and governesses help them. It is called the School of the ____. There are many strange and different animals which live in Australia. Kangaroos can only ____ around. Emu is a bird, but it cannot ____. Koala bears do not need ____. They drink only when they are ____. There are quakkas who have big smiles on their faces and there is Tasmanian devil which lives in Tasmania.


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