1) road for high speed 2) make stricter 3) docs for using vеhicle 4) a device to ptotect your body in accidents 5) some barriers how fast you should drive 6) some kind of posters for drivers on the road 7) a device which helps you rule the vehicle 8) transport in line for a long time 9) ruler on the road with 3 eyes 10) circle on the road 11) a kind of stop for additional fuel 12) zero 13) a car without roof 14) a movement needing skill and care 15) to do the same thing as someone else 16) top level 17) to make a picture in mind 18) no sound 19) contest 20) to put together/build 21) introduce 22) deal with last difficulties 23) become famous by secret life info 24) be responsibility of 25) motivation 26) mix 27) put into socket 28) fast choice with and subsequent regret 29) chemical signal 30) disturb 31) explain 32) concieve a plan 33) be reserved 34) be confidant 35) revision of material in drama or music 36) achieve 37) make someone do smth 38) work out /creatе 39) collect 40) wait impatiently 41) to give a place for someone 42) threatening/in nearest future 43) impulsive 44) tool 45) fast 46) boast 47) apply 48) excluded 49) from the beginning 50) improve


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