I was really busy this year doing extra-curricular activities. I played football for my university team, and did a lot of drama. I also got a part-time job in a cafe so I could earn some money to travel in the summer. I left all my revision until the end of the year and then got ill and couldn't work for two weeks. Now I've failed my final exam and I'll have to retake the year., I've fallen out with my best friend. I said something really stupid to her. We got our wires crossed and she got really angry. That was two weeks ago. I haven't seen her since and now it feels too late to apologise. I really miss her. , I've spent nearly all my money for the year already and I still have three months of term left. Now I have no money left to buy food or anything. My parents work really hard and they've already given me as much help as they can, so I really can't ask them for any more., I made friends really quickly at the start of the year with a group of students from another course.Now I'm starting to realise that some of them get on my nerves, they've been picking on me and it's making me feel frustrated. All the students on my course have already formed their own friendship groups and I feel really left out., One of my colleagues has been making disparaging remarks towards me. I used to not take exception to them because she passed them as a joke. but lately they've been getting out of hand. She's humiliating me in front of the whole team of people I work with. I'm not sure that I can confront her because all of my other co-workers get on well with her so confronting her would mean losing the relationship with my colleagues., My friends and I organise Secret Santa every year. This time round though I had completely forgotten about my present. It was a simple lapse of memory and when I realised my mistake, it was already too late so I came to the party empty-handed. My friends looked like bears with sore heads when it all came to light. I feel like I've let them all down. I don't know how I can make amends..

Outcomes Advanced (I wish, if only) Unit 6


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