Japan - There's a tradition to eat at KFC at Christmas., Spain - In this country, they beat the Christmas log with sticks while singing traditional songs., Australia - There's an evil counterpart of Santa Claus in this country - Crampus., Norway - People here decorate a goat, or a Julebukk, at Christmas and hide all brooms., Wales - In rural areas of this country, a villager parades with a mare's (=she-horse) skull on a pole., Greenland - In this country, people have mutuk - raw whale skin with blubber attached, and kiviak - a dead seabird fermented in a seal skin, for Christmas dinner., Germany - Here, Santa Claus fills the shoes with a branch with sweets attached., Italy - In local folklore, the Befana is a witch who delivers gifts to children instead of Santa Claus., Portugal - It's a tradition to set a place at the festive table for the deceased (=those who passed away) family members., Mexico - Every figure in the nativity scenes in this country is made of raddishes.,

Weirdest Christmas Traditions


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