1) What is the Capital of UAE ? a) Abu Dhabi b) Dubai c) Desert d) Bunch of Sand e) Pinch of Sand f) None of the above 2) Which Country owns Greenland ? a) Blueland b) Denmark c) None of the above 3) Which Country owns Pizza and Pasta ? a) Italy b) Germany c) None of the above 4) What is the Capital of Russia ? a) MACAW b) Moscow c) Snowland d) None of the above 5) Which Country have you flied to ? a) Germany b) Italy c) USA d) UAE e) India f) No i stay in my Country . 6) Which Country are you Flying to a) Germany b) Italy c) USA d) UAE e) India f) France 7) Which Country is your Favourite a) Germany b) Italy c) USA d) UAE e) India f) France



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