Sodium + Chlorine (Ionic), Potassium + Iodine (Ionic), Magnesium + Chlorine (Ionic), Lithium + Bromine (Ionic), Barium + Nitrogen (Ionic), Hydrogen + Hydrogen (Covalent), Carbon + Oxygen (Covalent), Carbon + Hydrogen (Covalent) , Hydrogen + Chlorine (Covalent), Draw the Covalent bond for: CH4, Draw the Covalent bond for: NH3, Draw the Covalent bond: 02, Draw the Ionic Bond: MgCl2, Cations are ____________ charged , Anions are ________________ charged , Which types of elements form a covalent bond?, The Number of Electrons in the lowest energy level, Draw a Dot Diagram for Sulfer, What is the Octet rule?, Define Malleability.

Chemical Bonding


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