The first table ____ the percentage of new cars of various colours sold in 4 different locations: North America, Brazil, Europe and South Korea. For South Korea and Brazil silver cars are the most popular, ____ 44% and 31% ____. The situation is different in Europe where 26% of new cars are black. Silver and black ____ the sales everywhere but North America where ____ cars sold is white. Apart from white, black and silver, grey is another popular colour in Brazil and Europe: ____ every fifth car bought there is of that colour. Meanwhile, green is ____ preferable car colour in these 4 countries, being ____ everywhere. From the second table ____ that global popularity of white cars has remained ____ between 1994 and 2024. Silver cars ____ of 25% in 2004 and may ____ in 2024. Thus, white and silver ____ to become the most preferred car colours globally in 2024, ____ a half of total new cars sold. The numbers of black and red cars ____ during the period but may ____ by 2024 and become third and forth most desired colours (by both reaching 15%). Other colours were popular in 1994 and 2004 but since 2014 their numbers have been dropping and ____ ____ in 2024 by reaching a record 3%.

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