waves - disturbances that transfer energy, mechanical wave - a disturbance that travels through a material, or medium, electromagnetic wave - a disturbance in electric and magnetic fields, amplitude - the maximum distance that the particles of a waves medium vibrate from their rest position, wavelength - the distance from any point on a wave to an identical point on the next wave, frequency - the number of waves or wave cycle produced in a given amount of time, wave period - the time required for identical points on consecutive waves to pass a given point, energy - the ability to do work, longitudinal wave - travel in the same direction as the disturbance., transverse wave - move perpendicular to the direction of a vibration, perpendicular - at an angle of 90 degrees, crest - the highest part of a wave, trough - the lowest part of a wave, motion - a change in position of an object over time, hertz - unit of measurement for frequency, wave speed - the speed at which a wave travels, gamma rays - consists of waves with the highest frequencies, cycles per second - another unit for hertz, medium - the material a wave can travel through, surface wave - formed from combining a transverse wave and a longitudinal wave,


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