Making important decisions and controlling a situation - To call the tune, To tell everyone proudly about your talents and successes - To blow your own trumpet, Something similar, etcetera - and so on, To accept the negative consequences of something that has happened and the critics - To face the music, In good physical health. - To be fit as a fiddle, To feel unwell - To be under the weather, To report an illegal or unacceptable activity to the authorities - To blow the whistle, Something you want to hear - Music to my ears, Something that sounds familiar - To ring a bell, It is extremely hot - It's boiling, Someone who repeats the same thing again and again. - Like a broken record, To do, say or write something that is suitable for a particular occasion - To strike the right note, When things go wrong, both sides are involved and neither part is completely innocent - It takes two to tango, To arrive somewhere just on time (nearly late) - to arrive by the skin of your teeth, Do things the way you want without taking other people into consideration - To march to the beat of your own drum, Change your opinion or attitude - Change your mind, Something that is extremely clean - As clean as a whistle, To improvise, do something without a plan - Play it by ear, You need pay the consequences of your decisions and cope with those ones!  - You make your bed, you sleep in it,

IDIOMS (Adavanced version for high-achievers)!


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