Asteroid - small rocks orbiting the sun, Astronomy - study of space , Autumnal Equinox - fist day of fall, big bang - beging of universe everything’s expanding, comet - ice and rock in space. Tail points away from sun , constellation  - group of stars, crater  - hole created by crashing space rocks , cyclic - series of events that repeat, force - push or pull, galaxy - system of stars , Geocentrism - in correct idea that things revolve around earth, gravity - force that pulls things together , Heliocentrism - correct idea that things revolve around the sun , nsolation - amount of solar radiation based on angle of sun , lunar eclipse - moon appears to disappear , mass - amount of matter in an object , spring tides - higher tides because sun eath+moon line up, summer solstice - first day of summer , telescope - tool to make far objects appear closer , tides - ocean rises + lowers due to moon , universe - all existing matter. Holds everything , Vernal Equinox - fist day of spring, weight - effected by gravity , winter solstice - first day of winter , meteor - rock that entered earths atmosphere , milky way - our galaxy , neap tides - eier tided when moon earth plus sun form 90 degrees , Phenomenon - ssomthing that can be observed , Satellite - celestial body that orbits somthing else , solar eclipse - sun appears to disappears ,



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