1) What did you use to do when you were 5 years old? 2) What are your 5 favorite foods? 3) What is your favorite place in Bogotá? 4) Do you have any favorite books? What book would you recommend? 5) What is your favorite song? Have you ever sung it to someone? 6) What do you do on a typical day? 7) What is your favorite social network and why? 8) What had you done before breakfast yesterday? 9) What is your favorite place in your neighborhood? Describe it 10) Who is your favorite actor or artist? What would you do if you met him/her in the street? 11) What is your favorite TV show? 12) What type of movies do you like? What is a movie you would never recommend? 13) What´s one of your relatives or friends doing right now? 14) Do you play any sports? What do you think is important to get used to doing to practice it? 15) Who are your closest friends? 16) What do you usually do on vacations? 17) If you could be an animal, what animal would you be and why? 18) What is your best childhood memory? 19) Do you have a pet? If not, what pet would you like to have? 20) What do you usually do on a Saturday? 21) What are you going to do next holiday?  22) What are your plans for next weekend? 23) What are 3 things you dislike doing in your free time? 24) Mention three things that you are doing at this moment of your life

Getting to know each other


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