1) When the first Harry Potter movie was released. a) 2000 b) 1998 c) 2001 d) 1999 e) 2004 f) 2005 2) What is the name of the harry potter owl. a) Carlos b) Felipe c) Pedro d) Hedwig e) João f) Antonio 3) What was the release year of the first star wars movie. a) 1977 b) 1986 c) 1980 d) 1973 e) 1976 f) 1981 4) What is the name of the small, green man from Star Wars. a) Roberto b) Anakin c) Yoda d) R2D2 e) Marcelo f) Eduardo 5) Which of these heroes is not from Marvel. a) Hulk b) Batman c) Iron Men d) Thor e) Loki 6) Which of these characters has died a) Iron men b) Hulk c) Harry Potter d) Flash e) Arrow 7) Which of these characters is not part of DC Comics, a) Batman b) Flash c) Arrow d) Super Men e) Iron Men 8) Which of these places do you use to see a movie a) Farm b) Supermarket c) Cinema d) Hospital e) school 9) When he launched lord of the rings: the ring society. a) 2000 b) 2001 c) 2002 d) 2003 e) 2004 f) 2005 10) which is the movie with the highest grossing in history. a) Titanic b) Avatar c) Star Wars d) Avengers e) Harry Potter f) Lord of the Rings


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