1) What Opera is playing at the opera house? a) Carmen b) La Triviata c) Candide 2) Who is working at the Opera House? a) Antonio b) Jean-Paul c) Graham 3) Who does Carmen fight? a) Tigress and Crackle b) Le Chevre and El Topo c) Mime Bomb and Paper Star 4) What is Dr. Bellum’s hidden message? a) Launch the Bomb b) Launch the Boomerang c) Launch the Boondocks 5) What is the boomerang? a) a weapon b) a toy c) a rocket 6) Who made the boomerang? a) Jeanine Dennam b) Saira Bellum c) Gunnar Maelstrom 7) Who almost launches the boomerang? a) Carmen b) Jeanine c) El Topo 8) Where is the boomerang? a) Uluru b) Bondai Beach c) The Sydney Opera House 9) What is Dr. Dennam's hobby? a) Listening to audiobooks b) Listening to Opera c) Listening to radio talkshows 10) Who takes Team Carmen to the Outback? a) Graham b) A Guide c) Zack


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