Energy - A wave is a disturbance that transmits , Medium - The speed of a wave depends on the, Vibration - Most waves are caused by, Longitudinal wave - A soundwave is an example of , Ellipses - Ocean wave molecules move in , Amplitude - Half the vertical distance between the crest and trough of a wave, Frequency - The number of waves passing a given point per unit of time, Interference - The combining of waves as they meet , Period - The time it takes for a complete wave cycle to occur, Mechanical - Wave that travels through a medium, velocity =frequency x wavelength  - Wave speed formula, Crest - top of transverse wave, Trough - bottom of transverse wave , Compression - Waves that are closer together in longitudinal wave, Rarefaction - Waves are pulled apart in longitudinal wave, Transverse wave, Longitudinal wave, Wavelength - crest to crest or trough to trough, amplitude - resting position to crest or trough ,



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