1) Where do these polystyrene (no. 6) containers go? a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin f) Home compost bin 2) Where do these polypropylene (no. 5) containers go? (Note: the lids should go in the rubbish.) a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin f) Home compost bin 3) Where do these tins or cans go? a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin f) Home compost bin 4) Where do these egg shells go? a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin f) Home compost bin 5) Where do these newspapers go? a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin f) Home compost bin 6) Where does the plastic netting around fruit or onions go? a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin f) Home compost bin 7) Where does this drink or soda can go? a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin f) Home compost bin 8) Where do these shampoo bottles go? (The lids have to be on firmly, or put them in the rubbish.) a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin f) Home compost bin 9) Where does this apple peel go? Choose three. a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin f) Home compost bin 10) Where does this chip bag go?  (choose 2) a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Soft plastics bin in some stores f) Home compost bin 11) Where does this cardboard go? a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin f) Home compost bin 12) Where do these milk bottles go? (Take the lids off and put these in the rubbish bin.) a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin f) Home compost bin 13) Where do these plastic lids go? a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin 14) Where does this disposable nappy go? a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin f) Home compost bin 15) Where does this plastic water bottle go? a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin f) Home compost bin 16) Where does this glass jar go? a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin 17) Where does this trigger spray go? a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin f) Home compost bin 18) Where does this leftover rice go? a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin f) Home compost bin 19) Where do these chicken bones go? a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin f) Home compost bin 20) Where do these leaves go? a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin f) Home compost bin 21) Where do these hedge clippings go? a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin f) Home compost bin 22) Where does this junk mail go? a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin f) Home compost bin 23) Where does this meat go? a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin f) Home compost bin 24) Where does this tea bag go? (Choose 2) a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin f) Home compost bin 25) Where do these fast food wrappers and boxes go? a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin f) Home compost bin 26) Where does this aerosol can go? a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin f) Home compost bin 27) Where does this aluminium foil go? a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin f) Home compost bin 28) Where does this plastic meat tray go? a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Small food scraps bin f) Home compost bin 29) Where does this plastic bag go? (choose 2) a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Soft plastics bin in some stores f) Home compost bin 30) Where does this bubble wrap go? (choose 2) a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Soft plastics bin in some stores f) Home compost bin 31) Where do these milk cartons (tetra pack) go? (choose 2) a) Blue glass crate b) Yellow recycling bin c) Red rubbish bin d) Big green food scraps or garden waste bin e) Soft plastics bin in some stores f) The special recycling bin at Dunedin Community House

DCC New Kerbside Recycling Bins



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