1) What is risk management? a) managing the risks b) health and safety risk of the project c) everything d) The management of anything which could go wrong whilst doing a project or business 2) What is managing safety? a) managing the safety of people  b) This is tasks set out to manage and identify risks which may cause harm along with other things. 3) What are examples of planning restriction? a) Time,workers,environment b) Stakeholders c) available workers 4) Why is research and development important? a) Allow you be get smart b) It can allow your business to grow with knowledge and expand with new ideas. 5) what is the importance of time management? a) So you are never late to work and so you know you will meet deadlines b) so you know you will meet all project goals in the allocated time also so your not late to places  6) what is the importance of research and development a) So you and your company get smart b) so your business can grow with knowledge and expand with new ideas   c) So you can get new ideas and grow  7) what is the importance of budgeting ? a) So you don't send the business into crippling debt  b) So you know how much to spend during a project so that you don't blow the projects budget  c) So the company can see how much money is going out the company and where they need to cut down on.  8) what are example of constraints? a) all workers are available  b) weather c) time scale d) Permission 9) what are examples of collaborative technologies  a) Video meetings  b) Texting  c) Google calendar  d) Digital whiteboards 10) What are examples of File sharing technologies a) Video meetings b) Google calendar c) Cloud storage d) Airdrop 11) What are the benefits of Collaborative working? a) You get to be with mates  b) workload can be spread across the team c) more fun than working on your own d) You all have different skills to offer e) Less stress f) Learn form team members  12) What does SMART stand for? a) Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reliable, Timely   b) Special, Measurable, Achievable, Reliable, Timely c) Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time  d) Special, Measurable, Achieve, Reliable, Timely e) Special, Measurable, Achieve, Reliable, Time f) Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely 13) What is Kaizen? a) Japanese term meaning change for the better or continuous improvement b) Japanese term meaning little changes over a long time to befit the company c) Both 14) What are changing requirements? a) Common phenomenon in an environment which can effect the business  b) Rare phenomenon in a project life cycle which can effect the success of the project  c) Common phenomenon in a project life cycle which can effect the success of the project   15) All employees report to multiple leaders what team structure is this? a) Matrix b) Hierarchical 16) What are examples of changes in working technologies a) Touch screen phones - before was a key pad on the phone b) Glasses - now have cameras in glasses c) Cameras - before would have been a sketch/painting d) Internet - used to have to send letters to connect with people across the world

Project management


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