1) Using the internet is ___ but we have to stay safe online. a) fun b) hungry c) sleepy 2) Never _____ pictures to people you don't know. a) send b) adult c) download 3) Tell an ____ if you see something you don't like. a) adult b) password c) friend request 4) Don't ____ anything without permission. a) download b) adult c) Internet 5) Never share your ____. a) password b) send c) download 6) Don't accept ____ from strangers. a) friend requests b) chat c) password 7) Only ____ to friends and family. a) chat b) adult c) send 8) Programming is when you tell a computer to do something by giving it ____. a) instructions b) language c) Spanish 9) We write the instructions in "_____ " that computers understand. a) languages b) send c) download 10) Humans understand English or Spanish. Computers understand _____. a) programming languages b) French c) Italian 11) Light and sound are a type of ____. a) energy b) language c) bright 12) Sound can be ____ a) quiet or loud. b) bright or dark. c) happy or sad. 13) We see with our _____. We hear with our _____. a) eyes/ears b) ears/eyes c) nose/arms


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