1) This is a place where you buy food, clothes and other things. a) Shop/Groceries b) Court c) Gym d) School 2) This is a place where you study. a) barbers b) church c) school d) court 3) This is a large building where sick or injured people receive medical treatment a) hospital b) shop c) the hairdresser`s d) gym 4) This is a place where lawyers work. a) Gym b) School c) Restaurant d) Court 5) This is a building where people to go and prey a) hospital b) church c) barbers d) groceries 6) This is a place where men`s/women`s hair is cut/shaved/colored etc. a) gym b) hospital c) court d) barbers/the hairdresser`s 7) This is a place where you can buy and eat meal. a) school b) groceries c) restaurant d) court e) gym 8) This is a special building or room that has equipment for doing physical exercise a) court b) barbers c) groceries d) gym

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