1) Look at the clouds! It ....................................... a) going to rain b) is going to rain c) will rain d) will be raining e) will have rained f) rains 2) By 2020, I .................................. English for 20 years. a) will teach b) will be teaching c) will have been teaching d) am going to teach e) am teaching f) will have taught 3) One day , I .............................. a popular singer. a) will become b) am going to become c) going to become d) become e) am becoming f) will have become 4) This time tomorrow, he .................................... the housework. a) will do b) is going to do c) going to do d) will be doing e) will have done f) is doing 5) In summer, we ........................................ to London. Here are our tickets! a) will fly b) are going to fly c) will be flying d) fly e) will have flown f) are flying 6) Next summer I ............ to Paris, this is my idea. a) will travel b) am going to travel c) will be traveling d) travel e) will have traveled f) am travelimg 7) By next month, I................ in the school's team for 5 years a) will play b) wil be playing c) wil have played d) will have been playing e) will have play f) will been playing 8) Could you lend me 10 euros? I promise I.............................. them back to you as soon as I get my salary a) am giving b) will give c) am going to give d) will have given e) give f) will given 9) Call me in 10 minutes, please. In ten minutes......................................... what I am doing ;) a) will finish b) am finishing c) will be finish d) will have finished e) am going to finish f) finish 10) As soon as I ............. my diet, I ................ a huge ice cream a) finished/ will eat b) finish/ am eating c) will finish/ will eat d) will finish/ am going to eat e) finish /am going to eat f) finis/will eat 11) The Queen ........... the new sports centre next week. a) is to open b) is going to open c) will have opened 12) The guests ............at nine, but they were late. a) will be arriving b) are to arrive c) were due to arrive 13) The manager..... angry when he hears the news. a) going to be b) is bound to be c) is about to be 14) Sarah ......love this present. a) will definitely b) definitely will c) is to




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