1) During our brainstorming sessions, I always try to come up ........ innovative ideas to solve problems. a) to b) on c) with d) - 2) After completing a big project, we decided to paint ....... town red and celebrate our success. a) a b) the c) - 3) Recognizing everyone's hard work is a great way to boost ............... in the team. a) a motivation b) the motivation c) motivation 4) I enjoy hanging ...... with colleagues after work; it helps build a stronger team. a) on b) out c) in 5) Let's get the ball ........... on this new project by outlining our main objectives. a) moving b) shaking c) rolling d) going 6) During lunch breaks, we often talk ...... about the latest trends in software development. a) a shop b) shop c) the shop 7) By optimizing the codebase, I believe I can bring significant value .....the company. a) for b) to c) - 8) When I notice a bug in the software, I immediately take ......... to fix it. a) an action b) the action c) action 9) This month I've succeeded .......... (develop) a new feature for our app that greatly improved user experience. a) to develop b) develop c) in developing d) developing 10) After a long week of coding, I usually blow ..... steam by playing video games or going for a run. a) out b) off c) of 11) As a software developer, it's essential to carry ..... tasks efficiently to meet project deadlines. a) on b) in c) out d) - 12) When new team members join, I like to break ..... ice by asking about their favorite programming languages. a) an b) the c) - 13) At the tech conference, you'll get to rub ....... with some of the industry's leading software developers. a) arms b) fingers c) elbows d) hands

Socialising with colleagues 2


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