....could, but I’m swamped today. - I wish I ......, .....thinking of me, but I can’t. - Thanks for ......, .....hands full. - I wish I could but I have my ....., ...busy. - No thanks. I’m really ....., ....time. - Unfortunately, now is not a good ....., ...this time. - Sorry, but not ....., ....pass. - Sounds tempting, but I’ll have to ...., .....can’t. - I’d love to, but I ...., .....schedule. - I wish I could but I have a packed ...., ....now, I can’t. - Under different circumstances, I’d love to, but right ......., ....to pass - It sounds like a great opportunity, but I’ll have ...... , ....on my plate. - I wish I could but I have a lot ....., ....another time. - Unfortunately, I have too much to do today. I can help you ....., .....someone who can. - Unfortunately, I cannot say 'yes' this time. I wish you luck in finding ......, .....simply too busy with work. - How thoughtful of you. I appreciate your offer, but this time I'm ......, ......love the opportunity. - I'm not interested this time. I'm sure someone else would .....,

How to say "no" at work


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