- The Rosetta mission ____ 1.7 billion dollars. That's a lot of money! What was your ____? - Our aim was to ____ more about comets. The Rosetta ____ flew 64 billion kilometres to comet 67P, which is about four kilometres ____. The flight took ten years!- What would have happened if your ____ had been wrong?- Well, lots of scientists worked on this project, so we were ____ that we'd got it right.- We would have been very disappointed if the ____ had failed. If the mission hadn't been successful, we wouldn't have had these incredible ____ photos or this analysis of the comet’s ____. - They are amazing photos. So. tell us more about the ____, the little spacecraft which landed on the comet.- Yes. The lander sent us the first pictures of the ____ surface of a comet. There were lots of ____ experiments on the lander. If the lander's ____ panels had been in sunlight it would have been OK. But it landed in a large ____ which was quite dark. So it didn't have much power and it went to sleep. Luckily, ____ though it worked for two hours only, it ____ to get enough ____ about the comets surface.


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