: If the light is on, what do you have to do before going out?, If you enter a house and it's dark, what do you do first?, If the pen doesn't work anymore, what happened to the ink?, Have you ever carried out a chemical experiment?, A: I can't solve the problem, it's too difficult for me. B: No, don't ........................ . You can do it!, Do you get on well with your classmates? , A: I'm here! B: Where? I can't see you! A: .................................! I'm behind you!, If you'll be under the sun for a long time, you should ............................ a hat., When I did something wrong, my mum ........................... me with her angry eyes and shouted., I can't go out on Saturday, because I have to ..................................... my little brother., I ........................ English while I was visiting the US, Have you ever fallen out with your bestie?, Where did you grow up?, Did you throw your old school books away?, Do you watch the TV journal to catch up with the new news?,


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