live beyond your means - spend more money than you earn, pay an arm and a leg for something - pay an exorbitant amount of money for sth, foot the bill - pay for something especially if it's considered a large or unreasonable amount, take it at face value - accept something as it appears without questioning, grease someone's palm - bribe somebody, a nest egg - a sum of money saved for the future, bet my bottom dollar - something is certain or guranteed to happen, cut my losses - stop spending time, energy or money on something, to break even - to reach a point in a business venture when the profits are equal to the costs, to buy it for a song - purchase very cheaply, we went dutch - we split the bill, to buy someone off - dishonestly pay someone to prevent them doing something against one's interests, a penny for your thoughts - I want to know what you are thinking, cook the books - alter the facts or figures dishonestly, strapped for cash - have very little money,

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