If you / famous, what you / like / be famous /__/? - If you were famous, what would you like to be famous for?, If you can do any job / world, and be good / it, what / do? - If you could do any job in the world, and be good at it, what would you do?, If you / be / remembered / one thing, what / you like it to be? - If you were to be remembered for one thing, what would you like it to be?, If you can spend / day / any famous person, dead or alive, / who / be and why? - If you could spend a day with any famous person, dead or alive, who would it be and why?, If you / can be / anyone / world / one day, /who be/? - If you could be anyone in the world for a day, who would you be?, If you / can travel back / time / another period / history, where and when / go? - If you could travel back in time to another period in history, where and when would you go?, If you / can speak / extra language apart / ones you know now, which language / like / speak? - If you could speak any extra language apart from the ones you know now, which language would you like to speak?, If you /can live / any kind / house, what / like? - If you could live in any kind of house, what would it be like?, If you / win one million dollars, what / do / it? - If you won one million dollars, what would you do with it?, If you / can change one thing / world, what / be? - If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?, If you /can change one thing / yourself, what / be? - If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?, If you / can have any superpowers you / want, what / choose? - If you could have any superpowers you wanted, what would you choose?, If you / be mayor of your city or town, what / change? - If you were mayor of your city or town, what would you change?, If you / be / leader / country of origin, what / change? - If you were the leader of your country of origin, what would you change?, If you can re-live/ day / your life again, which / be and why? - If you could re-live a day of your life again, which would it be and why?, If you / able / choose which century you can live /, what / decide? - If you were able to choose which century you could live in, what would you decide?, If you / be reborn / animal or bird, which one / choose? - If you were reborn as an animal or bird, which one would you choose?, If you / can change something / your house, what / be? - If you could change something about your house, what would it be?, If you / can learn / new skill / high level / a week, what / be? - If you could learn a new skill to a high level in a week, what would it be?, If you / wake up suddenly/ because / house / be / fire, what item / save first? - If you woke up suddenly because your house was on fire, what item would you save first?,

What if? - Make and answer


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