1) What colour is this? a) pink b) red c) orange d) blue 2) What is this? a) pencil case b) pencil c) pen d) rubber 3) What colour is the rubber? a) It's pink. b) It's grey. c) It's purple. d) It's green. 4) Is this a pen? a) No, it isn't. b) Yes, it is. 5) How many crayons can you see? a) eight (8) b) six (6) c) seven (7) d) five (5) 6) What is this? a) It's a rubber. b) It's a pencil. c) It's a ruler. d) It's a pencil case. 7) What colour can you see? a) purple b) red c) grey d) pink 8) How does the cat feel? a) hot b) cold 9) Is the boy hungry? a) No, he isn't. b) Yes, he is. 10) What can you see? a) a pen and a pencil b) a pencil and a ruler c) a pen and a rubber


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