1) Translate: I was very busy last week. a) He estat molt ocupat aquesta setmana b) Vaig estar molt ocupat la setmana passada 2) What is the past simple of "become"? a) Become b) Became 3) What are the past form and the past participle forms of "break"? a) BROKEN / BROKE b) BROKE / BROKEN c) BREIK/BROKE d) Translate: BREIKEN/BROUKEN 4) Translate: They built a new school. a) Van construir una nova escola b) Han construit una nova escola 5) Translate: He could swim when he was five. a) Ell nadava quan tenia 15 anys. b) Ell podia venir quan tenia cinc anys. c) Ell podia nedar quan tenia cinc anys. d) Ell podia nedar quan estava content. 6) Translate: They came home early.  a) Han vingut a casa aviat. b) Van venir a casa tard c) Van marxar de casa aviat d) Van venir a casa aviat 7) Translate: I cut my finger yesterday. a) M'he tallat el dit avui. b) Em vaig fer mal al dit. c) Em vaig fer mal al dit ahir. d) Em vaig tallar el dit ahir. 8) What are the "past" / "past participle" forms of "do"? a) DID / DON b) DONE/DID c) DID/DONE d) DONE/DID 9) Quines d'aquestes formes corresponen a l'infinitiu, passat i participi del verb "CONDUIR"? a) DRIVE, DRIVEN, DROVE b) DRIVEN, DRIVE, DROVE c) DRIVE, DROVE, DRIVEN d) DRIVE, DROVEN, DRIVEN 10) What is wrong in this sentence?: Yesterday, they eat lunch at 1 pm. a) EAT hauria de ser EATS b) EAT hauria de ser EATEN c) EAT hauria de ser ATE d) Lunch hauria de ser DINNER 11) What are the past and past participle forms of "fall"? a) Fell / Fallen b) Fallen / Fallen c) Fell / Fell d) Felt / Felt 12) Translate: Yesterday, I felt happy. a) Ahir vaig caure feliçment. b) Ahir em vaig sentir feliç. c) Avui he caigut feliçment. d) Avui em sento feliç. 13) What are the past/past participle forms of "fight"? a) Fight / Fought b) Fought / Fought c) Fought/Foughten d) Foght/Foght 14) Translate: He found his keys. a) Ha trobat les seves claus. b) Ha perdut les seves claus. c) Va trobar les seves claus. d) Va perdre les seves claus. 15) What are the infinitive / past and past participle forms of the verb: VOLAR? a) Flew/Flew/Flew b) Fly/Flew/Flown c) Fly/Fly/Fly d) Fly/Flew/Flew 16) Translate: She got a good grade on the exam. a) Va tenir una bona nota a l'examen. b) Va treure una bona nota a l'examen. c) Va aconseguir una bona nota a l'examen. d) Va treure una mala nota a l'examen. 17) Translate: He gave me a gift. a) Ella em va donar un regal. b) Ell m'ha donat un regal c) Ella em va fer un regal. d) Ell em va donar un regal. 18) What is the meaning of "HANG"? a) posar b) col·locar c) penjar d) aguantar 19) What is the Past and Past Part. Form of the verb HAVE? a) HAS/HAS b) HAD/HAD c) HAS/HAD d) HAD/HAS 20) Translate: He hurt his leg in the game. a) Ell es va ferir la cama en el joc b) Ell es va tallar la cama en el joc. c) Ell es va cremar la cama en el joc. d) Ell es va trencar la cama en el joc. 21) What is the past participle of "know"? a) Knew b) Know c) Known d) Knee 22) Translate: She left the party very late.  a) Ella va marxar de la festa d'hora. b) Ella va marxar de la festa tard. c) Ella va arribar a la festa d'hora. d) Ella va arribar a la festa tard. 23) Lain is.... a) The Past of Lie b) The past and past participle of LIE c) The Past Participle of Lie d) The infinitive of the verb "estirar-se" 24) Translate: They lost the game last week. a) Ells van perdre el partit la setmana passada b) Ells van guanyar el partit la setmana passada c) Nosaltres vam perdre el partit la setmana passada d) Nosaltres vam guanyar el partit la setmana passada. 25) What is the Past and Past Participle of "make"? a) Make / Made b) Made/Made c) Make/Maken d) Made/Maden 26) The meaning of: "They met at the park", is... a) Ells es van fer amics al parc. b) Vosaltres us vau conèixer al parc. c) Nosaltres en vam fer amics al parc. d) Ells es van conèixer al parc. 27) The PAST and PAST PARTICIPLE of READ is... a) Read/Read b) Read/Red c) Red/Read d) Read/Ridden 28) What can you say about the verb"Ride"? a) It is the infinitive of the verb "Muntar a" b) Its Past form is "RODE" c) Its Past Part. form is "Ridden" d) All of them are correct 29) What is the past simple of "run"? a) Run b) Ron (Weasley) c) Ran d) Rin

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