1) Tom is in the kitchen. a) yes b) no 2) Tom is cleaning. a) yes b) no 3) Mum is in the kitchen. a) yes b) no 4) Mum is making a pizza. a) yes b) no 5) Dad is in the living room. a) yes b) no 6) Dad is cooking. a) yes b) no 7) Mat is in the bathroom. a) yes b) no 8) Mat is cleaning the fish tank. a) yes b) no 9) Uncle Fred is in the bedroom. a) yes b) no 10) Uncle Fred is taking out the rubbish. a) yes b) no 11) Grandma Green is in the hall. a) yes b) no 12) Grandma Green is making cakes. a) yes b) no 13) Pat is in the bedroom. a) yes b) no 14) Pat is making the beds. a) yes b) no 15) Grandpa Green is in the living room. a) yes b) no 16) Grandpa Green is fixing the car. a) yes b) no


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