Do you read blogs and reviews online? Why/Why not?, What impacts has globalization had on food and eating habits?, Is there a difference between the food that people eat in the  countryside (or villages) and the food that people eat in big cities?, Is there anything in that education system you would like to change? Give reasons., Is it better to have a private or a state education? Why/Why not?, What kinds of skills do you learn while working in a job?, What skills do you learn from academic study?, Which jobs require a long training period? , What sort of training is required for your career or future career?, What kind of study or training would you like to do in the future?, Should universities be free for students? Why/Why not?, Have you ever tried to learn something online? What were the advantages and disadvantages of doing this?, Are there any problems with face-to-face teaching? If so, what are they?, How do you think teaching will change in the future?, Will distance learning become the most common kind of teaching in the future? Why/Why not?, Is it better to study an academic subject or a vocational course?, What are the greatest risks that people face in everyday life?, Is it possible to live life without risks?, Do you think our lives are too safe these days?, Have you ever been on a roller coaster or other theme-park ride? If so, how did you feel? If not, would you like to go on one? Why/Why not?, In what areas of our everyday lives can we be risk-takers?, Do you agree with this idea that dangerous sports should be banned? Why/Why not?, Should people take responsibility for their own risks? Why/Why not?, ''Taking greater risks leads to larger personal, professional and financial rewards.'' Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Why/Why not?, ''If children are never exposed to risk, they will never be able to cope with risk.'' Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Why/Why not?, What natural disasters do you know about? What impact do they have on people and places?, What are the impacts of globalization on people's lives? How does globalization change their lives?, What do you think the is the main purpose of the art?, Do you like art and design? If so, what do you like?, Have you ever been to an art gallery or design show? If so, what did you see? Did you enjoy it?, Are art and design important for a country's economy? Why/Why not?, Are there any famous buildings in your country? Are they protected? Do you think this is important? Why/Why not?, Should members of the public pay to visit ancient buildings? Why/Why not?, Do you think it is important for new buildings to be environmentally friendly? Why/Why not?, How can we reduce the amount of energy we use in our homes?, How can architects design buildings to use less energy in their construction or use?, Would you live in an eco-home if you had to pay more for its environmentally freidnly features? Why/Why not?, Which is more important when designing a building: its beauty or its function? Why?, Do people in your country prefer to live in modern or older houses?, Which is more important when building or buying a new home: its location or its size? Why?, Why do floods and droughts occur? What impact can they have on a country?, Do you think dam building has more advantages or disadvantages? Why?, What are some long-term solutions to a shortage of water?, Why do developing countries struggle with droughts?, What are the effects of droughts?, How can people suffering from drought be helped in the short term?.

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