1) If I ... a million euros, I'd buy my mum and dad a new house. a) win b) won 2) If Steve paid more attention in class, he ... learn more. a) will b) would 3) ... go on a cruise if they had enough money. a) They'll b) They'd 4) You'll feel a lot healthier if you ... eat so much fast food. a) don't b) didn't 5) If I ... a bike, it wouldn't take me so long to get to school. a) have b) had 6) If you ... Tom Hanks, what ... you ask him? a) met / would b) met / will c) meet / will d) meet / would 7) ... Bobby be upset if I don't invite him? a) Will b) Would 8) If I ... you, I'd get a haircut! a) was b) am c) were



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