1) Who is this man? a) Gavrilo Princip b) Gustav Princip c) Franz Ferdinand 2) Gavrilo Princip assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 in Sarajevo, but which empire was the Archduke from? a) Russia b) Germany c) Austria-Hungary 3) Where is Sarajevo? a) Serbia b) Bosnia c) Austria 4) The assassination of Franz Ferdinand sparked off the Alliances in Europe, which nations made up the Triple Alliance? a) Germany, Austria-Hungary & Italy b) Britain, France & Russia c) Britain, France & America 5) Which nation did Germany invade that brought Britain into the war? a) France b) Belgium c) Italy 6) What was the name of the group the assassins belonged to? a) Black Hand Gang b) Blue Hand Gang c) The Bosnian Hand Gang 7) What was the name of Germany's plan to defeat France? a) Schlofffen b) Schlieffen c) Schwartz d) Schingles 8) What did the third assassin throw at the Archduke's car? a) Apple b) Grenade c) Poison d) Bomb 9) Which country did the assassins come from? a) Serbia b) Austria c) Russia d) Bosnia 10) Who did Austria blame for the assassination? a) Bosnia b) Serbia c) Russia d) France e) Britain

Assassination Beat the Teacher quiz World War one


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