Cosimo de Medici - an Italian banker who ruled Florence during the Renaissance, humanism - importance of the individual, Michelangelo - painted the Sistine Chapel and sculpted the David statue, Leonardo da Vinci - studied anatomy and painted the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, Shakespeare - Northern Renaissance English playwright who wrote many poems/plays, trade/merchants - the primary way Renaissance ideas spread throughout Europe, Roman and Greek - two civilizations that were worthy of study during the Renaissance, Petrarch - a humanist scholar who renewed interest in classical literature by collecting ancient manuscripts, Italy - on the Mediterranean Sea, geography, trading network caused great wealth for its city-states, Roman ruins - reminded people of the past and helped the Renaissance to begin, Thomas Aquinas - natural law, faith & reason, "Faith has to do with things that are not seen.", human form and realism - concepts studied by artists and included in Renaissance art to give life to their work, demand - increases as the price of goods drop, patrons - wealthy people, such as the Medici, who paid artists to complete major works of art, Florence - banking, trade, the florin, and interest in art made this city powerful and wealthy, florin - currency used in Florence during the Renaissance,


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