22/a 1. He ____ her of stealing the ring.2. Stop ____ me. Don't you have anything nice to say? 3. She ____ her brother for missing the ferry because he had left their tickets at home. 4. Do you want to ____ a pizza? 5. Can you ____ these flyers outside the station? 6. The school year is ____ into two terms. 7. He won a silver ____ at the last Olympics. 8. There is a 1000 pound ____ for anyone who gives information that will help the police catch the criminal. 9. She won first ____ in the game. 10. Do you want to play a computer ____ after school? 11. They are holding a ____ to find the best young scientist. 12. Who came in second place in the bike ____ 13. Her favourite ____ is playing volleyball. 14. He doesn't have much time for ____ now that he has started a new job. 15. Now that he's not working, Grandpa's main ____ is fixing things for friends. 16. The ____ was great at last night's concert. 17. She's an Arsenal ____, like her brother. 18. There were 30,000 ____ at the game. b.a year with an extra day in February that happens every four year - ____ year when sth happens every week- ____ one of 24 areas of the world which has its own time - ____ ____ on time - ____ when sth happens once a year - ____ one hundred years - ____ a chart showing days of the week and months of the year - ____ ten years - ____ a period of time that is remembered for a particular reason - ____ one of the four periods in the year that marks a change in weather - ____ c.This is a ____ room so please put out your cigarette. We hadn't spoken in years so her phone call was totally ____. There's no need for you to wear a suit; it will be an ____ meeting. When John started working here he was young and ____. Now he knows more than I do. You can hear music blasting all night long. The island offers ____ entertainment. She spent hours working on the essay so she thought it was ____ that she got such a low mark for it! She's usually so ____ so it was quite a surprise when she bought two tickets without a second thought. If you change your mind about going to the concert, you won't be able to get your money back as the tickets are ____.


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